Saturday, July 2, 2011

Consult scheduled!! Happy Birthday to me!!

Today is my Birthday!! Happy Birthday to me........especially because I got "the call" from the surgeon's office yesterday  to set up a consult with him! Yahoo! The date: 7/9/11!! 1 week away!! The killer: I have to be off my Protonix to test for H.pylori.......yuck! An entire week of heartburn...fantastic. Oh well. It'll be worth it. Tums will be my best friend! 
I'm so excited to get this going. I keep reading all of my followers posts and how absolutely great their doing and looking at how fabulous they look and I'm SO jealous!! 
The one thing that got me a little "worried" maybe, was when the dietician ran the numbers for me and my 50-60% excess weight loss is just under 98 lbs. I know! That's an awful lot of weight, and will be THRILLED with it, but I really wanted to lose 150.......I guess I better just not count my chickens before they're hatched and take what the Good Lord gives me. 
He has already blessed me in so many ways these past few weeks!! One of the biggest gifts.......I passed my LPN boards! I am officially a Licensed Practical Nurse!! Next year at this time I will be a Registered Nurse! Unbelievable! All that hard work actually paid off! 
If I could only lose a pound for every hour I study.....................


  1. Happy Birthday!! Congrats on getting your LPN!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! And congrats!!!

  3. Wow, lots to celebrate today! Happy Birthday and congrats on your LPN!!! I was kind of disappointed by the possibility of only losing 50% of the my weight too, but I've since realized that I can lose all of my excess weight. I just have to stick to it and work hard. You'll do great and I'm excited for you!

  4. Happy Birthday and congratulations! So many exciting things all happening at once for you!
