Sunday, September 4, 2011

My First NSV

I got off my butt and went to the gym! I did it, I did it, I did it! I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE, CURSE exercise, but I went. It had to be done. I walked 1/2 a mile on the treadmill and I biked almost 2 miles. It amazingly felt good after I did it. The hard part was GOING! My goal is to get there at least 3 times this week. Even if I can't do a lot, I can do something! 

Happy Labor Day to everyone!


  1. YOU DID IT YOU DID IT YOU DID IT!! YOU ROCK! Keep it up sister...we are all rooting for ya'!

  2. Yes you did!! And did you like it? Keep it up!!

  3. Good for you. Keep it up & it will get easier.

  4. Good on you! Thanks for commenting on my blog, it's been great to read yours - I'm so excited for you! x
